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Pixma MG7520 will Not Turn On


Hello, I have the Pixma MG7520. All of a sudden it just stopped printing in the middle of a job this morning and turned off. I since have not been able to get the printer to turn back on. I have unplugged several times and also moved to a different outlet. It starts to look like it's booting up, but then just shuts off. I have had the printer several years but it does not get heavy use; not sure if it's just age or if there is something else to try and get the printer to turn on. TIA


Hi Samantha - any word from the higher ups at Canon on when they will break silence about the issue that is the topic of this string? Arthur J's response is not eliciting positive responses from the community.

Samantha, any word from Canon how to fix this issue? 


SOLUTION: After a 1:57 hold time with Canon customer service.... I have the solution! (and that was 2 hours, not 2 minutes) If this is happening to you it is very easily fixed. [Removed per Community Guidelines]  Although I wish I could sell it to make up for my 2 + hours of time.  Here is what you need to do to fix it:

Completely unplug your router and then turn on your printer (it won't stay on if your router is because of a linking problem with the router, that we are going to fix.)  So this is the step-by-step for the MG6620 and probably those models with similar menus, but whatever model you have just try to get to your DNS Server Setup. That is where the setting is that needs manually changed. So for the MG6620:

On the menu swipe to Setup, then find Web Service Setup then DNS Server Setup. Select Manual.  Press each set of numbers and change them all to 000 except the last set. That needs to be 001. So your DNS will look like this:  Click OK, then click No.

That's it. You should be good to print.

You are welcome!  Too bad someone at Canon doesn't just post this somewhere. Would've save a lot of people a lot of headaches, I'm sure. 


I called Canon, this happened Tuesday to a whole lot of people.  Here is the solution:

SOLUTION: After a 1:57 hold time with Canon customer service.... I have the solution! (and that was 2 hours, not 2 minutes) If this is happening to you it is very easily fixed. [Removed per forum guidelines]  Although I wish I could sell it to make up for my 2 + hours of time.  Here is what you need to do to fix it:

Completely unplug your router and then turn on your printer (it won't stay on if your router is because of a linking problem with the router, that we are going to fix.)  So this is the step-by-step for the MG6620 and probably those models with similar menus, but whatever model you have just try to get to your DNS Server Setup. That is where the setting is that needs manually changed. So for the MG6620:

On the menu swipe to Setup, then find Web Service Setup then DNS Server Setup. Select Manual.  Press each set of numbers and change them all to 000 except the last set. That needs to be 001. So your DNS will look like this:  Click OK, then click No.

That's it. You should be good to print.

You are welcome!  Too bad someone at Canon doesn't just post this somewhere. Would've save a lot of people a lot of headaches, I'm sure. 

Hey sheri99, you are GREAT! Can't thank you enough for you for posting a solution to this problem. I have an MG7520, I followed your directions; the menu and subs were the same as you described. Changed the DNS to ...001 and bingo, I was back online when the router booted up. I have printed and scanned from my computer and my iphone, works correctly.

As you said, why didn't Canon post that? Thank you again.


Thanks sheri, it worked for my MG7520😊

Sheri99 thank you! Printer now turns on and is printing. Why couldn’t Canon just have posted this days ago and saved us all a headache. Hopefully you were able to multitask while on hold for 2 hours!

Read my solution post. You can fix it. You just need to reset your DNS to 001

see sheri99's post, it tells you how to fix it. I did and it works!


This worked just fine. I have the MG7520, and use my 3rd gen iPhone 2022 as a hot spot connection. 


