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Pixma MG5220 sudden power loss

Pixma MG5220 sudden power loss and won't power back on

During print job, the unit suddenly powered off and will not power back on.  Internal fuse?  I tried one trouble shooting process without luck.  Have unplugged it and re-plugged - no luck.  Have verfied that the outlet is working.  Clues, anyone?  


Product Expert
Product Expert



To try and resolve this issue, please unplug the power from the unit for about 25-30 minutes.  Once this time frame has passed, plug the unit in directly to a wall outlet to see if the printer will power on correctly.


If the issue continues to persist, find more help at Contact Us.



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I just had the same problem occur and found this post through a google search.  Did you have any luck getting your printer to come back to life?


Powering down for a long time, did not resolve.  Had previously, two or three times, gotten message (roughly) "Do not recognize print head"


Any ideas?  Is it dead?

No, even with a long unpowered time. Did you resolve it?


I have followed the power on suggestions on YouTube. Got to printing and it locked up. Got an error message in (foreign language) and I think it was error 8800 (not sure of #). Tried power up again. Printer head locked to the right. No power light.

Do not know what to try next. Helpd needed

Yes. Let it sit over night.

Hi DavidBillings.


From your description, including the error in a foreign language, it sounds like an internal component has been damaged or worn out, and the printer will need to be replaced.


One option I can offer is the Canon Upgrade Program. The Canon Upgrade Program provides a one-time discount on the purchase of a replacement printer directly through Canon U.S.A., and comes with free ground shipping.

If you're interested, you may call one of our phone-based Canon Direct agents at (866) 443-8002. You will need to have the printer's serial number for this call; the serial number may be found on the back of or inside the front of the printer. Please keep in mind, you are under no obligation to take advantage of this offer immediately to gain the information.


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Thank you for your suggestions. Looks like I have a paper weight.


Same problem, all started with printhead error. Would not power up. Took out power supply and with power on to the printer I unplugged the small connector that goes from power supply to the printer. Powers up fine now. Still not sure what is causing these printhead errors, replace printhead about every 6 months it seems for the same error?? Could be the cheap ink I am purchasing on ebay?
