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Pixima iX6820 not printing border correctly


I've got a problem that's a head-scratcher. I have a Canon Pixima iX6820 that's printing weird. I've included an example of its output (left on this image) vs. my Brother Laser Printer (Right). This is a calibration print for my wife's Cricut, by the way.

I downloaded and updated to the latest drivers on the Canon, by the way (last night). No luck. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get the thing to print properly with a thick border and dark print. I'm sure I'm missing something, but for the life of me don't know what it is.

Here are some of the steps I've followed:

1> The nozzles are clean and printing a proper test sheet
2> The Ink is full
3> I've attempted to print from multiple computers
4> I've saved to PDF and tried to print as well
5> I've attempted to print from printer paper, as well as card stock. All white.

It seems like the thing just won't fill in that border, which the cricut needs to see so that it can properly cut after printing.

Any ideas anyone?

Canon Woes.png



Update: I attempted to print an alignment page, and this is what I got. It's missing some of the columns, so I'm performing a deep cleaning. The weird thing is that when I printed a nozzle check yesterday, it printed out all of the colors pretty normally. 




Canon Woes Alignment Page.png

Update #2

I think I've got it. For whatever reason, this printer hates plain paper. When I set the thing to print to Matte photo paper, it works fine. No idea why, but it's working well enough for my wife's concerns. (We're printing on card stock for this)

click here to view the gallery