PIXMA TS3722: Printer goes offline, Is it garbage, or is there a solution????


I purchased this printer on August 16. It's already not communicating, going offline, and making my eye twitch. I only print documents for school, so I figured this printer could be dependable for what I need. It has ink. The paper selection is correct. I even broke down and purchased a cable to connect it directly to my laptop. It doesn't recognize there's a cable the information can travel through. It just keeps telling me it's offline. When I go to the assistant, the diagnostic doesn't say anything about the cable. It just tells me the laptop has 100% connection while the printer that is literally RIGHT BESIDE IT has 0%. I'm on a very limited budget while I finish school, so I'm hoping someone here can give me some insight into how to get this printer to print (you'd think it would be simple, right?) before I smash it into tiny pieces.



You need to delete the printer from your system entirely, and reinstall it as a USB printer.
