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PIXMA TR4722 Scanning from printer to laptop - not connecting offline error


I'm trying to scan from a Canon TR4722 to my lap top and it states it is offline, but I'm able to send something from the lap top to the printer with no problem.  Can't find any solution.  Any help would be appreciated.



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi 3Modelos,

Are you using your PIXMA TR4722 wirelessly?
or are you connecting it to your laptop using a USB cable?

What version of Windows is installed on your laptop?
If you are using a Mac, what version of the macOS is installed?


Please note, Canon's Forum is not intended for immediate help, but a place to allow for the Community to give you assistance and feedback. For a quicker response, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account to reach Canon's Technical Support Team:

Once logged in, click on your PIXMA TR4722 and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access support.










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