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PIXMA TR4720 Edges Cut Off When Printing from iPhone/iPad


I recently bought a Canon PIXMA TR4720 (after a Canon PIXMA TR4520 broke) & I am having a problem.

I can print fine from a computer but if/when I (try to) print from my phone on iPad it cuts off [all 4 of] the edges of the page.

Why is this happening & how do I fix it?



I am adding some screenshots/pics to give more details on this.

As a “test” I took this screenshot:


This is the print preview screens (of both iPad & iPhone)

Screnshot 2b.pngScreenshot 3b.png

But this is what prints out:

Screeshot 4b.png

Notice the difference between the actual screenshot & what is cut-out of the print-out.


Instead of printing directly with Airprint, I recommend trying to print the photo with the Canon print inkjet selphy app.

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I have always used Airprint. I had actually tried using the Canon app & didn't like it so I stopped using it (& deleted it) as I found Airpint to be much better/easier. Furthermore, I never had this problem with Airprint on the old printer so it is unacceptable for this to happen just because I got a new printer & wanting/expecting me to get that app (again) is unreasonable.

Still haven't gotten an actual answer. Why does that not surprise me?

Hi! We're unable to provide support for apps not made by Canon. We recommend giving ArthurJ's advice a try; otherwise, for support for AirPrint, we recommend contacting Apple.

Hope this helps!

I had already done what Arthur J said with the old printer & I had clearly explained why I don't use that app. How would using that specific app fix this? The way I print should have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how the pages.

Furthermore, Apple says that "AirPrint is an Apple technology that helps you create full-quality printed output without the need to download or install drivers." but what are you & Arthur J trying to get me to do? Therefore, that is NOT an answer!

Just for the record, this form has been completely useless to me.  Nobody has been helpful yet claim to be....

Hi Danny

I actually registered today just to give you feedback on this issue. I experienced same issue as JustSerfin. So I followed the advises here and went to the Canon print App and checked off borderless, and I was able to print the whole picture without cutting off. However, I noticed that the picture I printed directly from iphone (is it Air-print? I am not sure, but I can print directly from my iphone photo when iphone and canon printer on same wifi network) has vibrant in color and much better color quality than the picture I printed from Canon printing app. I am not a tech person, I don't know why there is such difference. I hope you can test it out yourself and find the resolution for customers like myself. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I just got back from returning my Canon printer because of the response on this issue.  I came here looking for help because my new Canon printer was cutting off the edge when printing from my iPhone.  I’ve always used HP to print but took a chance buying a canon.  When I saw your issue I was glad I wasn’t the only one but when I saw no help was offered I boxed up my printer, went back and purchased an HP.  I just got it set up and did a test print from my phone and it printed perfectly.  It shouldn’t be that difficult to print from your phone and you shouldn’t have to download a different app to do it.  I tried to give Canon a shot.  It was also extremely difficult to set up the WiFi on the Canon, the HP took seconds.  
