PIXMA MX922 Scanner not working on Mac OSx 14.2.1


I just updated my Apple to MacOS Version 14.2.1.  It identifies the printer no problem, but there is no scanner anymore.  Was wondering if maybe the PIXMA MX922 is outdated for this version.  When I go to scan it says "set PC to Scan". Go to printer/scanner setting and there is no scanner identifed on the computer.


Product Expert
Product Expert


There are no scanner or printers driver for MacOS V14 but as a work around you can try installing the drivers for MacOS V13. 

Please click HERE and select software and drivers. Make sure that MacOS is listed as the operating system and Ventura V13 is listed for the version. You will then want to download and install the CUPS, ICA and Scanner driver.

Once all files are installed, remove and add the printer back then restart your computer. After the restart, try to scan again. 

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