PIXMA G7020 prints very slow and can't handle multiple pages


I am running both a win 10 and win11 PC to print to a G7020 printer via wifi. It takes 30 seconds or more to detect if the status of the printer, and then if it prints it will be very slow and starts and stops during the print out. It used to be fast. It can not handle multiple pages, Wifi is at 100% from printer lan printout. I have deleted all canon apps and reinstalled drivers, and still does not work. I have reset wifi and reconnected wifi manually on the printer. 

Any one else have a fix for this?



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Johnski3000,

To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

1.  Please press the wrench and screwdriver button on your PIXMA G7020 one time.

2.  Use the right arrow to select Device Settings and press OK.

3.  Use the right arrow to select LAN settings and press OK.

4.  Select Wi-Fi and press OK.

5.  Use the right arrow to select Manual setup and press OK.

6.  Use the right arrow to select TCP/IP settings and press OK.

7.  Use the right arrow to select IPv6 and press OK.

8.  Press OK on the displayed message.

9.  Press OK on Enable/disable IPv6.

10.  Use the right arrow to select Disable and press OK.

11.  Once completed, please turn your printer off.

12.  Next, go to your router and unplug the power cord.

13.  Wait 3 minutes and then reconnect the power cord to your router.

14.  When your wireless network is back online, please turn your PIXMA G7020 back on.

Attempt to print.



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