On the MG6220 printer, how do I center an 8 x 10 photo on the page? 5 x 7 is fine,.


Using a MG 6220, how do I center an 8 x 10 phofo on fhs page?  5 x 7 is ok, but 8 x 10 is shifted off center,  Left and right margins are not the same. 

Printing is with Photo Shop. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello rdbrown.


The horizontal and vertical alignments would be controlled by Photoshop. 


However, if the alignment is correct on screen, it may be related to the current paper size selections.  If you are actually using 8"x10" sized paper, check to make sure that "Letter" has not been selected as the paper size.  The Letter paper size is 8.5"x11".  Also, if Letter sized paper is being used, check to make sure that the paper size was not set to 8"x10".


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