My D-Link router does not have a WPS button. How do I connect my new MX 890 printer?


My D-Link router does not have a WPS button. How do I connect my MX 890 printer?  This is taking too long for something that is supposed to be very easy.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Dziewona.


If your router does not have a clearly marked "WPS" button, please press the STOP button on the printer to skip the WPS phase.  You will then have the option to perform the Standard connection to your network.

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I've just bought a MX926 printer.  When you mentioned Standard connection to the network is the option to follow, does this mean I can't connect via wi-fi and must use a cable?





The STOP button was definitely the piece of information I was missing in those lousy set up materials from Canon. Thank you very much.....I can finally go to bed.....

What or where is that?
