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MX922 stopped printing fonts / text


My fathers printers stopped printing text / fonts.  I have been working with him the past 2 hours to no avail.  The last time he printed a document correctly was yesterday afternoon and then all of a sudden it stopped working.


Dell Inspiron Windows 10 64-bit connected to MX922 via USB


The PC has been restarted.


I have removed the printer from the printers and scanners and reinstalled using the recommented driver from the canon support page.


File Name Date File Size  

MX920 series MP Drivers Ver.1.01 (Windows)01/29/1638.54 MB


The windows test page prints with just the blue printer logo and a line.  No Text.


Test page.jpg


Cleaning has been done on the printer but that is not the issue.  The Nozzle check prints correctly.




When going through the proceddures of printing the LAN setting through the menu on the printer it prints correctly.


Lan settings.jpg


When opening up MS Word and just typing the word "Test" it prints a blank page.  When changing the font color of "Test" to blue it still prints a blank page.  When changing the font color of "Test" to red it still prints a blank page.  When changing the font color of "Test" to white and highlighting it in black it prints a black box with out the text.  When using Text Effects it prints just fine.  In the below example the black box on the top was the word "Test" in white with a black highlight.  The red "Test" was using Text Effects.




I changed the font size for "Test" and prints blank.  I changed the printer settings to High Resolutions and still prints blank.  I have probably tried other things that I have forgetting to mention here but still cannot get it to work.  Help!



Hi patcarter.


As another check, do a search on the computer for Notepad (or find it in the Start Menu >> Windows Accessories >> Notepad).  Open it, and try printing something from Notepad.  Let me know if Notepad is able to print without issue.


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Best of luck. Tossed mine and bought an Epson yesterday.

Is this a serious answer. So i should continue with Notepad from now on?


I may have a similar problem with my MX922.


Seems to be something to do with single sided printing in the printer itself.


If you print that same word file, but add a second sheet to it (page break) even if it is blank, will it print correctly?


I'm on the verge of tossing mine even though it is in good physical working condition.
