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MX922 all of a sudden randomly skips parts of pictures


I have been using my printer to print out wallet sheets for years. All of a sudden it will only print part of the photos. The next time it prints parts of different photos when i use the same wallet layout. I performed all maintenance cleaning on my printer, but since it is not consistent with which section does not print it does not seem to be a cleaning issue. i have tried photo paper, plain paper and tried from two different computers - same results. I also tried using a different photo layout and the same thing happened. But when I print a word doc, no issues.


Attached two samples. you can see that in the top one several of the images did print but in the botton one, those same locations did not print. It changes every time I try.picture print.jpg


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi katiebva,


This issue is related to the installation of the latest update from Microsoft


Using Windows Update, please update your version of Windows, making sure that KB5001567 and KB5001649 are installed.




