MX922 Scanner stopped working all of a sudden.


I have a Canon PIXMA MX-922 and the scanner stopped working (right in the middle of something important). It was working fine for like two years, now it's kaput. It prints fine on USB.


I've googled this and see lots of similar questions but nothing I've tried works. I re-installed the software from scratch, and printer again works, but not the scanner.


When I start the scan from the machine, it says "Processing, Please wait momentarily", then it just stops and stills there mocking me . . . 


 When I start from the computer, it starts out well, sucking the paper into the scanner, then it fails.






I had the same "Processing, Please wait momentarily" error on my MX870 printer (on a system running Windows 10), and resetting/unplugging did nothing to fix it.  However, Ramona's suggestion of scanning from Paint not only worked, but somehow "cured" the underlying problem.  After being able to scan from Paint, I was able to scan normally, from both the ADF and the platen.  I have no idea why this worked, but I'm glad that it did.


Thanks for the help.



glad you got it working! This thread has legs !

I too have a Canon MX922 and am running windows 10   It no longer recognizes my scanner although the printer works fine.  I tried many of the suggestions, includeing the one to go to Microsoft Paint but when I got to the steop "selct from a scanner or camera" it was not highlighted and i could not click on it.  I have always used the Windows Fax and Scan to scan my photos and documents but can no longer do so.  Please help.

Hi Susan3!  Don't give up on the scanner.  I had that problem for a short while. See my posts on the first page.  That is how I solved my problem.  It didn't work for me to use the Paint suggestion either.  Good luck!

WOW!!!!  My scanner just stopped working again, but I used the fix that I sent in a while back  again, and it started working again!  I'm so glad that it's recorded here in the Canon Community pages.

I thought I had my scanner working, but it would only scan 1 page at a time after many hours of working with it.  So, I found a new way to FIX it and get it to scan multiple pages (slowly, but it gets it done).  Go to your Programs list from your computer's main menu on the left bottom of your screen.  Scroll to & click on Canon Utilities. Then Click on My Printer, and then, click on Diagnose and Repair Printer.  It works!  Thank goodness!  I was ready to throw in the hat if it didn't.

Thank you! This fixed it quickly!

nice! (The 5-year thread that keeps on ticking!) Smiley Very Happy
