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MX-922 won't print & won't shut down


I've had an MX-922 for about 2 months. Worked flawlessly until today. I tried to print, and it wouldn't print. I tried another file, no luck. Then I tried turning off the printer, but the display just says "ending...please wait awhile". After about 2 hours, I unplugged the printer, and plugged it back in. That didn't work. When I open the "troubleshooting/maintenance" in the quick start program on my desktop, it says I have to hook up to the printer with a USB cable. I haven't had a USB cable in 5 years. What the heck, Canon?


I've googled some on this, and I can't find anything. I searched this forum, and the only printing issues I could find referenced dealt with initial setup. In my case, the printer worked fine, but now it doesn't.




Rising Star

Hi audu10,


The printer may be experiencing an internal error.  First, let's try a hard reset.  Unplug the printer, then press the power button 5 times.  Wait for 30 minutes and then reconnect the power.  Turn on the printer.  Wait a few moments for the printer to reach the home screen and then power off the printer.  If it powers off properly, try a test print or reinstall the printer (not likely, but your network information may have been lost in the reset).


If this didn't work, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to Contact Us!

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I have only had my MX922 printer for a week, and I constantly get that message. I had the same thing happen on my 450 printer, which is why I bought the 922, I thought the printer was bad. I am still having all of the same problems. Faxing is spratic, both sending and receiving. When I go to print something, the printer usually says it is offline, and when I try to turn it off, I get the endless message of ending...please wait awhile. I unplug it and wait about 30 seconds, and it works for a few hours, and then starts all over again.


This seems to have resolved my problem. This has solved a variety of issues in fact, everything from could printing to print by email to printer not responding tp printer not turning off, etc. Basically, intermittent connections to the internet and network (either wireless or wired) are not handled very well by tjhis printer, especially if the connection is throuigh one or more poieces of hardware (routers, switches, wireless access points, etc.)... Just turn off (disable) the DRX setting:


Press Menu Button...
Arrow over and down to "Setup"...
Left arrow over top "Device Settings"...
Select "Lan Settings"
Select "Other Settings"
If you have your cable on a wired LAN, go all the way down to "Wired Lan DRX Setting" (just one entry past the bottom of the screen) - oitherwise if your printer is on a Wifi network, select the option just before that one, "Wireless Lan DRX Setting", andclick 'Ok"...
Select "Disable"
Once it has verified it has changed the setting, then click the 'Copy" button to get all the way out of settings...


Please post replies to see how this might have handled your problem/s...





The printer might encounter an interior blunder. To begin with, we should make a decent attempt reset. Unplug the printer, then press the power catch 5 times. Sit tight for 30 minutes and afterward reconnect the power. Turn on the printer. Sit tight a couple of minutes for the printer to achieve the home screen and after that power off the printer. On the off chance that it controls off appropriately, attempt a test print or reinstall the printer (not likely, but rather your system data may have been lost in the reset).

On the off chance that this didn't work, or on the off chance that you have whatever other inquiries, please don't hesitate to Contact Us!

Did this answer your question? If it's not too much trouble tap the Accept as Solution catch with the goal that others may discover the appropriate response too. [link removed per forum guidelines] for more ...

Atlantic Inkjet


I am also experiencing problems with my Cannon MX922 Printer.  I have had this printer for about two years, and it has been working well until now. Since about three weeks ago, the printer does not print on my computer on which it has been printing for the last two years. I have not installed any new programs and, and I have not changed anything thing about the printer, but it just started not to print documents. When I try to print, the printer sometimes would not print but just spew out blank pages.  I checked and  there is nothing wrong with print cadtridges.  I tried to install the printer to work with my other lap top computer, but I am still encountering the same problem. However, the printer does shut down when I press the on/off button to shut it off. What can I do to make it to print again?

Work perfectly!