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MG7520 will not stay on


My cannon MG7520 printer will turn on and start to go through its normal routine, but then unexpectedly turns off. The power cord has been checked, unplugged and replugged. Same result. Looking for other solutions if there are any.    



Your satisfaction is important to us, and we apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing.  A firmware update is available to fully resolve this issue.   You can download the firmware update and find easy installation instructions at

View solution in original post



Has anyone successfully talked to Canon support and had this problem resolved. I don’t want to spend 19.99 to find out it can’t be fixed. 


My printer is finally working with wifi!!  Yippee!  I followed the directions for going into the DNS setting in the printer menu!  Printed from my MacBook Pro and iPhone. 


I am also experiencing the same issue when the printer has an internet connection of any sort – wired or wireless. This Just started today, and based on all of the similar comments on a variety of different printers, this is Canon's fault. One assumes that either firmware across an entire family of products caused this error on 31 May/1 June, or some form of automated firmware update caused this.




Same here with MG7520. Awaiting Canon to fix issue.................


Well, if I need to purchase a new printer- I guess it will have to be HP

if canon can’t address the problem here or answer peoples query on the phone, I can’t take a chance of getting a new Canon and having the same issue. sorry Canon, you lost a once loyal customer

Same here. 


This will be the second post I've done today which is after reading all the posts in the last three days about our MG7520 failing to stay on. THIS SOUNDS LIKE A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT TO ME!!!!


Hello and FYI everyone.....I don't know what happened but the prob I had with my MG7520 for the last few days like so many others seems to have been fixed thru no apparent changes on my own. I was looking into the suggested fixes as in disconnecting it from my router by way of it's interface last night but gave up to hit the sack. The printer was still plugged in and off but it fired up when I turned it on again - about 3:30pm MST today. I did a scan/copy/print, a jpg from my main PC, and another from old laptop. Plus, I just now printed from an android tablet and my phone. Just like the old days LOL! Like I said, I really didn't do anything like change the DNS, etc. Maybe Canon techs did something....IDK. Best of luck to everyone and I was sure glad I found this community and thread before I went out and bought something else...not much out there compared to my trusty (knock on wood) MG7520. BTW, I bought this unit in Canada where I live but no clue if that has anything to do with this welcomed fix. Fingers still crossed though..........






I agree with other comments below that there seems to be an issue with the printer turning off while it has access to the Internet through the WiFi Router/Gateway.  My "solution" was to isolate my MG7520 from the Internet by using the Parental Controls software in my Wifi Router to disable access to the Internet by the MG7520. To do that, I needed to know of the IP address or MAC address of the printer which I obtained from the printer itself by navigating to Device Settings >> LAN Settings >> Confirm LAN Settings (print) and obtaining the "Network Configuration Page"  report.  (To do this, I needed to temporarily unplug the WAN connection on my Router so the MG7520 could power cycle and allow me to print the report.) From this report, I entered the IP address assigned by WiFi Router into the Parental Control software of my Router and selected an option to disable the Internet for the printer 24 hours a day. After I did this, I plugged the WAN connection back in to my Router to restore Internet service for all the other devices on my network.  This solution allowed my to keep my MG7520 on the WiFi network in my home and available for printing from our computers and handheld devices without blocking Internet for the computers and other devices. In this configuration, only the MG7520 can't access the Internet.  This obviously disables remote printing (which I never used anyway) but otherwise seems to be a good temporary fix until we find out from Canon why these printers are shutting down.   

Take this for what it’s worth but supposedly this individual contacted support and with the exception of the IP address as the primary server, changing the DNS instructions remained the same per a few days ago.

DNS Server IP 
