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Installing TS5020 printer


I am trying to connect my computer to the printer and I am supposed to press the "Home" button and it nothing happens.  The screen on the printer says, "Follow the instructions ont eh computer or smartphone, etc. to perform the operation." The computer says to press the "HOme" button but nothing happens. Advice?  Thanks!



Hi svolkening! 

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Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi svolkening,


To connect your PIXMA TS5020 to your wireless network, please follow these steps:


 1.  Press the HOME button on your PIXMA TS5020.


 2.  Select Setup on the Home screen (it is the gear icon at the bottom of the LCD screen).


 3.  Select Settings.


 4.  Select Device Settings.


 5.  Select LAN settings.


 6.  Select Wireless LAN.


 7.  Select Wireless LAN setup.


 8.  Select Manual connect.


 9.  Select your wireless network name.


10.  Enter your wiress network password.


11.  Select OK when "Connected to the wireless router." appears.


Your PIXMA TS5020 is now connected to your wireless network.


For more information, please view the appropriate link below:


(for Windows)


(for Mac OS X)

