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How to read ink cartridge dates? Are they expiry dates or manufactured dates?


How do I read the date code (I believe it's a date code?) and is that manufactured date or expiry date? 









Hi MidnightNarwhal,


Our ink cartridges do not have expiration dates; if you are having difficulty with the ink purchased for the printer, we ask that you please contact a Canon technical support representative here for further assistance. A representative will be happy to assist you free of charge.

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  I do not believe there are no manufactured date codes.

  Look at the picture...what is "1716L24"?

  I just got a BC-20 cartridge, with a dot-matrix code "6DO2D11" printed on its box.

  Your statement that there are no codes are not believable in the face of apparent contradiction.


  Care to elucidate?

The ink may not have an expiration date, but it must have a manufacture date. How do we read the manufacture date and convert it to a regular date on the calender.  For example, I have an unopened CL-244 ink cartridge. The upper left of its packaging reads 171C04D1C3.  How do I convert that to a manufacture date? I am just trying to get a sense of how old the ink might be.

If there is no expiration dates why is the manufacture date relevant?

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Because I would like to know, that's why.  I want to know when it was made. Ink dries up when it sits around a long time.
