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Hooking up a PIXMA TS 3122


I am trying to install a PIXMA TS 3122 that has never been used.  New in the box.  I have used the internet  procedure.  The process goes well until I get to step 3 .  At this point a message comes up saying the printer is detected.  Please wait until the installation is complete. This may take some time.  I have waited as long as 12 hours and the message never goes away.  I have done this several times.  I have the latest drivers etc loaded into the computer.

Any thoughts on how I can get the printer installed.

Am trying to hook up to a new HP Slimline desktop using a USB cord.

Thank you for any help you can give me.




Hi FarmerHR,

Please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat, as real time feedback of this issue will help greatly. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below:

Hi Patrick,

I went through your instructions again today.  I was able to do the uninstalling.  Started through your second set of instructions and everything went as you said until I came to the step of pressing ctrl &j. At this point the Installation box and downloads box in the upper right and corner went away and I was left with the canon background page.  So I followed the Locating and Installing Downloads box.  Followed these instructions.  A whole series on installing boxes came up and I went through all them. The last box said the drivers were successfully installed and to press the complete button at the bottom.  I did these and the screen went back to the backgroud page and nothing happened.

I am sorry but I do not know what to do next to get the printer to work.  Please help me.

Hi Patrick,

After my last post, I tried again to install my printer using the ij.start proicedure sice the ctrl-j press step did not work.  Was able to go through the whole procedure successfully. At the end I got a note that said "Installation completed successfully. Exit."  I did this and then tried to print from the computer several small documents.  Unfortunately, nothing would print !

Could you please help me resolve this problem so that I can print from the computer.

Thank you very much.
