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Getting "Support code 1007" on Canon MG5422 printer when trying to print.


I have been trying to print some coupons as I've done for years and I have been getting the message "Support Code 1007" on the printer screen and saying the upper cassette is empty. Solution "Load paper". Well duh. But even if I add paper I do not want it to print from the upper tray as I am not printing photos. I am printing coupons so I'm assuming the printer thinks it's printing photos since the coupons have a small picture of the item on each one. Any way to make the lower tray the default for this? I called customer support and the rep wasn't very helpful and said he had the same trouble on his end and then proceeded to tell me "Do some research and see if you can find a solution. Sorry I couldn't help you. Have a nice day!" Some help he was. Anyone know a way around this? Never had a problem with my previous Canon printer which recently died so I bought this one and am beginning to hate it.


I too had this issue with my pixma mx920. After much trying and investigating I finally went in to my printer and checked the paper size and discovered it was tha wrong setting so I changed it to 'A4' and now it works like a charm 😇👍!
I just had to share this as there are so many of us with the same issue. I think the setting was accidentally altered when my computer went in for a service!
I hope this will help you all with the same issues.
Cheers, Monica in Moun Marta, Australia 🇦🇺.

CAll us if you need immediate help? That's a joke right? I do my bills on weekends. I am getting the wicked "support code 1007" on my Pixma MX922. It happens all the ALL the time. Canon closes up shop on the weekends folks. No support. I won't be buying any more Canon products. They don't stand behind their products.

it's horrifying and happens ALL THE TIME especially annoying when I need to pay my bills and print the checks!

Hi dkparm27,


To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

 1.  Remove the cassette from your PIXMA MG5422.

 2.  Remove the paper from the cassette and restack it.  Place the paper back in the cassette.

 3.  Align the paper guides with the edges of the paper.

 4.  Check the page size setting on your PIXMA MG5422 and make sure it matches the paper size in the cassette.

 5.  Press OK.

Once set, please attempt to print.


If the issue continues, resetting your PIXMA MG5422 may resolve this issue.  To do this, please follow these steps:

 1.  On your PIXMA MG5420, select Setup from the Home screen.

 2.  Select Device Settings and press the OK button.

 3.  Use the up or down button to select Reset setting and press the OK button.

 4.  Use the up or down button to select Reset all and press the OK button.

Once reset, please attempt to print.


If you continue to have difficulties, please contact our support group using the following link:

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I just purchased my Cannon Mx922 and it printed five times in the week I've had it. Now an error code 1007 popped up and I've attempted umpteen times to reload the paper but now I realize it is trying to print from the upper tray. How do I fix this? I'm ready to take this printer back

I have had this rediculous problem since I bought my Canon MG7750 here in Paris. It's a killer for Canon and unforgivable that they haven't issued a patch or even a good driver for work from ios 10 on an iPad Pro. I thought this printer was supposed to scan to a professional standard and they come up with "Selphie!"

I need to choose the paper tray myself for goodness sakes.



If the error persists, troubleshooting with our support group will be needed to narrow down the cause of your issue. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

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We know what the problem is thank you, it's the utterly useless software. The paper trays used should be the user's choice.

How about something very much better than Selphi or whatever it is?



Not being able to select the paper tray is due to a limitation of AirPrint. You'll need to use the Canon PRINT app to be able to utilize the full potential of your printer.


If you're outside of the US and need support, you'll need to reach out to Canon in your country/region by clicking HERE.


This is my first Canon printer, and my last. It’s an MX922, and all I can say is, if I had an automobile that was as troublesome, I would take advantage of the “lemon” law. I dislike this printer with a passion, and am replacing it, although it is brand new, with a real printer from hp. I’m very surprised to find that Canon sells such junk 
