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Getting U052 (type of printhead incorrect) on my Pixma MP610 printer).


I'm getting a U052 error message on my Pixma MP610 printer.  It reads "The type of printhead is incorrect. Install the correct printhead."  I replaced an ink cartridge that was running low, but still get that message.  I've had the printer for some time and never got that kind of message before.


Hopeless you are.

I starting to think they purposely built in the error so you are forced to buy another one. LOL. So I did. An HP.

You too Jim.


Come on Canon, wake up before it's too late. Sooner or later you are going to have to answer for this. Don't say you were not warrned.  I'll be watching.


God bless



I've had this problem for some time and I was ready to throw my MP610 to the trash (not done that yet because I have a lot of ink cartridges) until I found this solution:


  • Power off the printer.
  • Press and hold both selection buttons underneath the screen, and switch on the printer. 

This might sound silly but it worked for me, at least for today...


Hope it helps you guys.


I got the same error on my barely used Pixma MG5350, tried everything to no avail.

I can't even scan. Why in the name of the printer gods can't I scan if there's an error with the print head?

'Planned obsolescence' is the cause for this and other errors, google it.


So I took the advice of another post here: I got another printer, an Epson.


As a friendly advice to all who stumble here, same as the one I give to everyone else: stay away from Canon printers and don't think that if you get a more expensive one you'll be better off.

I can confirm packedmytowel42's suggestion of cleaning the printhead worked on my 8 year old MP600 printer. Many thanks for posting this solution the answer and link to the helpful youtube video.


im al so getting u052 error message on my canon mg5200 the type of printheat is incorrect install the correct printhead 

my question what is the solution for the error ? canon should do something about this issue.

Cleaning the print head (per the You Tube videos) worked for me as well!


Thanks for the suggestion


I have tried everything suggested on this forum (plus the video re washing the print head, which I did) and still get the U052 message.  I am disconsolate--I loved this printer!  I would be glad to hear of any good, solid, basic printer that anyone has used for some time with no difficulties!    I have researched and researched, and they ALL seem to have plenty of "poor" and "bad" type ratings.....    😞
