Canon Pixma MG7150 & loading MP-101 / A4 Paper

Hopefully a fairly straight forward question for experienced canon pixma users! Just received an MG7150 trying to run through setup and am slightly stuck in trying to carry out task of loadng MP-101 paper for print head alignment.
The setup guide indicates this paper is fed into the lower cassette and the image shows the levers being pushed fully to the sides and one fully up the top of tray - bt when I do this it is neither wide enough or long enough for the
Page to fit snug into the tray, anyone any advice on what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Hi. Did you get a response to this, or work it out? It's driving me crazy! Thanks.

try using the lower tray you are using the top one there is another tray below that Man Very Happy

Yup, it's not at all obvious, but there is another tray under the one that is too small. Have a fiddle about and you'll find it! The documentation really could be better...

Presumably you got sorted, but I'm mid setup and having the exact same problem with the lower paper tray, what's the fix please?

There are TWO trays at the bottom. Look underneath the tray you are currently pulling out! That second tray is good for A4 paper.