Canon PIXMA TR7020a : Can't print from iPhone, error code 1000


I just bought a brnad new Canon Pixma TR7020a today and installed it. It's working perfectly with my computer. But when I try to print a picture or document from my iPhone - I get an error on my printer which says "Support Code 1000" Load paper in the rear tray and aligh the paper guide.  Close the feed slot cover and press OK.  

However, the paper is working perfectly when I print from my computer. So there is nothing wrong with the paper in the tray.

Please share advice.




Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Emiller770,

Please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:

Once logged in, click on your PIXMA TR7020a and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access support. A Technical Support Representative can determine the cause of the 1000 error and resolve it for you quickly via phone or chat











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