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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

I should have mentioned that my Canon is a Pixma MG5220.  Headed for the next recycling event.

Time to buy an HP or Epson printer. Disappointing. 




Canon was hit with a Class Action Lawsuit stemming from this Error that applied to at least 35 of their Printer Models.


They made a settlement and created a special website which explains the settlement and indicates the applicable Models. There is also a link to a claim form.


Here's the link to the website:


I just sent my claim in.




It sounds like a limited success.  I say limited because Canon refuse to admit any liability, and the amount of compensation doesn't come near to covering all the "new print heads" people have bought that didn't cure the fault.  The whole situation still stinks and has lost Canon hundreds, maybe thousands of customers.

Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.

Ok Guys.


There are 2 ways to fix U052.


1.) take out the ink catridges and the printhead, clean the contacts and especially the ink inlets and outlets of the printhead + cartridges.  Mostly it then will work.


2.) Change the printhead. 

Here it gets funny.  Don´t use a new printhead. Preferably, use the printhead from another bricked U052 Printer (f.e. MP600 and MP600R are 100% exchangable).

The printer detects:  "uuh, a NEW printhead, now I will work again! Cudos for paying money to Canon Support and making us all much happier!"


Yep. That´s it. Just exchange the "defect" printhead with another "defect" printhead, make tthus he printer believe "uhhhh, a newly bought fresh printhead",  and there you go!!!




Have fun!



How many times have you been able to sucessfully use this fix? I'm just wondering if it is really worth the effort of finding another used printhead. Thank you for your help.

I agree with you.


The language in the settlement is typical legalese used by corporations in settlement language to avoid opening up added litigation.


This settlement gives you either $50 cash or a $75 voucher toward purchase of Canon Products. The former essentially compensates you for the price of a print head whether you actually bought one or not. This is what the litigants agreed to in court. I doubt additional lawsuits for better remedies would be successful.


Canon hasn't shown me that the problem has been fixed in newer printers. So I decided to take the cash. Everyone needs to make his/her own choice and move on.

You're wasting your time! If it fails on first try, go the settlement route!

could you tell me how to apply for the settlement?

is it available for non-us-citizens?

Can you repost your solution?