Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

Only a small handful of the dozens of postings here have had any response at all from Canon.
Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.

I haven't received a mail from Canon

My printer is a MP610 and agree that it is a computer or internal logistic problem. My print head is cleaner than .....!

I have seen enough of the complaints to know that it is time to switch brands; no replacement would change my mind.

I am even looking at a Canon camera I own and I wondering what surprise it has in store for me. Canon has decided to be an ink retailer rather than a manufacturer of quality products so it must take the consequences. Good will is easy to lose and difficult to regain. I had an Epson previously so may try them again but will look at the complaints forums first. Perhaps we have to start at the ink and ink heads and work back up to the printer. Sad day for technology.

Unfortunately this did not work for printer is making me so angry and the warranty just expired!!  Canon what are you gonna do about this?


I never heard from Canon, and suspect I never will. This is the second Canon printer I have had die on me and I don't think they will trick me a third time. It is riducolous to lock down the whole printer/allinone if it is in fact just the printhead that is malfuctioned.  Any good recomendations for a good all in one that has good photo print quality, oh and NOT Canon?

I just bought a Brother



Paid $100.  Works great so far.  I would recommend it.


I have a Canon MG8120 which developed the U052 error late last week in between printing two different documents.  We spent the weekend trying different approaches to fix it, including the suggested paper jam solution, but nothing has worked.  I would really like to find a solution since I have quite a few replacement ink cartridges for this machine that I would hate to have to get rid of if I have to replace the whole printer.  It would seem to be a big waste to just have to toss the machine.  I guess I will call Canon if they do not come up with some way to override this error code.  I will continue to monitor the forum for solutions.  Up until this problem, we have been generally satisfied with the printer.


My printer is an MG5220 with a scanner.




Canon - please fix the printer firmware for these types of machines!


Tried the printer head clean, power off, etc to no avail.  Based on what I've read I won't be buying a print head but rather buying a competator's product.


Did the forced paper jam not work?
Once you force the paper jam you should be able to access the scanner at least.


Dear All


I have a solution of sorts for the MP610, trouble is I've had to do this a number of times, but have managed to get the documents I needed, printed.

Basically I pressed the OK  and the on/off buttons at the same time, then switched it back on again doing the same thing. It did come back on and worked , I got the documents printed and then I'm afraid the UO52 message appeared again.

So while it is not perfect I did get the work for the time being I'm happy but I reckon I'll be forced to get a new printer soon....and it won't be a Canon!


Hope this helps some of you....good luck 


Regards  Sculptorini
