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CANON PIXMA G6020 prints missing black lines even after multiple deep cleans?


I have used every maintenance option multiple times and my printer is still printing missing black lines. I've cleaned, deep cleaned, ink flushed, print head aligned, literally every maintenance option multiple times. I've even cleaned the print head myself. Not sure what to do, I have a business that requires a personal working printer. help....


Product Expert
Product Expert


I recommend reaching out to Canon support for this issue. You will need to register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.

We look forward to hearing from you. 


I have this same problem. Colors are fine. My G6020 just will NOT print black. I have ordered a new print head.


Turns out my problem is because I used Ecosolvent ink that isn't compatible with Canon printers. But, weird, because my black will not work but my colors do. 

My printer is a brand new G6020. IT'S NEVER WORKED. It's never printed black. I'm using the ink that came in the box with the printer. I've checked this print head very carefully and all the stickers were removed. I've done the setup over a few times. It works but it just will NOT print black. 

If your printer is "brand new," we recommend reaching out to support so they can go over this with you. You'll find all of your support options within your My Canon Account at

Well I would like to purchase a new black print head for this G6020. What is the part number. Canon says they are out of stock

Well I can't find a new black printer head for this G6020. Canon is out of stock. I've had this printer for 6 months and it's NEVER worked. It's never printed black and I've tried everything. 


Found this. cannon.png

