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2,250,200 scan error code


MG6620 printer out of the blue will not scan thru the scan utilty but will scan from the printer touch screen. Have done a reset from printer multiple times, unplugged and let power drain & re-connected the wirelesss conection to the computer. It is not the wireless coneection as I can print a word document. Doucument, photo & Auto all give this message: "An error has occured. Turn of device & then back on. Scanner driver will be closed." Any help would be appreciated.


Not sure. The menu on your screenshot doen't contain any scanner related options.  I see a similar menu when click on one of the Canon printer icons. I presume you have tried the other?


Below is the menu I see when I right  click the Canon ....Printer WS icon.

Printer screenshot 120120.png



I ended up connecting my MG6620 to my desktop with a USB cable & am able to use the Scan utilty.

I have been able to prove (to my safisfaction) that a Windows 10 update broke the Canon software, at least for wireless communication to a multifunciton printer. 


I followed the suggestion to uninstall all the Canon software and re-install. The first step of re-installation is for the Canon software to locate the printer on the network. It could not see the printer, so it had me go through steps to connect the printer to the wifi network -- even though the printer was already connected to the network. (The printer said it was connected, "WIFI" was displayed on the control panel, and I could view the printer's IP address on its control panel.) Canon installation could not get past the point, since it did not believe the printer existed.


Next, I had Windows install the printer as a device. Windows could see the printer even thought Canon software could not. Once the device was installed, I coud print to it using any app other than Canon. The Windows Fax and Scan app could scan a document as well, although the Windows app cannot generate a pdf document. I downloaded the free app scan2pdf and it too could see the scanner and generate a pdf doc.


It's time for Canon to admit they need to fix their software and provide an update.

Thanks for the update!  I have an old Windows XP laptop which I use when I want to scan and send something.  It does not use WIFI to connect to the printer unit (It uses a USB cable).  It definitely is a Windows 10 update that is causing the problem unfortunately, you can't get around it by using a USB connection.  Because I can print wirelessly, and I rarely scan anything I am too lazy to go through the steps you described...Smiley HappyBut for thise people who really need to get to their scanner, your solution will be a Godsend.


Thank you for the update, Canon should have been preemptive & let us know instead they passed the ball.

My problem is now fixed;  this happened after installation of WIndows Update KB4535996 which was listed as an optional update on my WIndows update page.    Since this was installed, network scanning through MP Navigator works as it used to.


The description of the update at doesn't specifically mention network scanning issues (does mention network printing issues), but no other changes were made to my PC other than simultaneous installation of KB4537572, which I don't think can be relevant.  


So if you haven't installed this update, may be worth a try. 

Sorry but it's time Canon take issue with this and work it out with Microsoft, or just simply override any MS product changes. We need our Printers/Scanners. Let's get that word out, instead of making the equipment that we pay bvery good money for, obsolete!

I just encountered the same thing with a Win7 PC and a CanoScan 8800F directly connected.  It was scanning color negatives fine yesterday, and today I get the error.  Last night at 10:28, my PC installed: Security Intelligence Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB915597 (Version 1.323.2130.0).   That is the only thing different between yesterday and today.  Once installed, it cannot be uninstalled per the detailed information.   Canon needs to step up.

I tried to revert my system, but it will not let me undo the security update (I have a separate problem that my laptop display is dead so I have to use an external monitor, which limits my ability to recover using the Windows Recovery option console). The update menioned by R678 is for Win10, so that doesn't help. So annoying.
