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Where do I find my downloaded pics?


I downloaded the pics off my camera to my computer and see the images in the Camera app only. I now want to move or copy them to my own pics folder but am unable to do that.

Somewhere it says that the pics are at C:/users/.../pictures but they are not there.


Thanks for any tips!


yes they go to C:/users in download (if I said documents I meant DL) I like the idea of asking cortana to find them, didn't think of that...

it is on my new machine Bob, L. C:MyName/downloads/pictures or the other way around. But they do go to downloads, then to pictures within downloads.

if you're using the cannon software, it still goes to the smae place, and in eOS you can retireve them from files. OR, yo can do it the other way around too, DL in EOS, and transfer to files. Mine does it automatically, I never could do the drag & drop, but it sounds great, I will try that too. Thanks y'all, L.

@fireweeds wrote:


I tried dragging the pics from the Canon app into my pics folders but it didn't work, no reaction on the side of the app.


Do you happen to know what is the name of the Canon app?  Many programs will store the files it downloads under its own directory, which in this case, most likely in C:\Program Files\Canon\Name of App\Pictures  ...something like that...worth a try.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Just to be clear ...

If you use a card reader, there is no issue of where files are put by default. Each slot on the card reader is automatically assigned a drive letter, and you use standard Microsoft software (e.g., Windows Explorer) to copy the files from the drive that represents the slot that holds the card to any folder you please. There is no sensible reason to overcomplicate this process.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

FW, I am not good at the drag and drop method either, my brain does not get it. I like going to the files and opening them there, until I figure out a better way that I can understand. Still cant send even in Jpeg format cannon says they're too big!

@fatcat wrote:
FW, I am not good at the drag and drop method either, my brain does not get it. I like going to the files and opening them there, until I figure out a better way that I can understand. Still cant send even in Jpeg format cannon says they're too big!

Here's a hint when doing drag & drop in Windows.  Use the RIGHT mouse button, instead of the left.  Why?  If you try it once, the reason will become obvious.  No more, "Oops, where did that go?"

"Enjoying photography since 1972."