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Software installation sequence for 20D without CD


I just picked up a 20D body only in excellent condition as an upgrade to my Rebel 300D. Price was fantastic, it was free. I want to utilize tethering for the 20D as well as change the owners name in the firmware. I have already installed Oracle VM VirtualBox with Windows XP onto my Win10 laptop. I do not have the original software CD for the 20D, however I have downloaded all of the latest software apps for the 20D and WinXP. Does anyone know if there is a certain order I should install the software apps?



Looking at the contents of a 40D CD I doubt you need the TWAIN driver but you can install it, then maybe EOS Utility, Zoombrowser & then DPP if you intend to shoot in RAW. Zoombrowser seems rather useless if you already have a photo library system you use but you can always uninstall anything you find useless.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thanks for the response. I know I will need the WIA driver since I will be running in WinXP. All I plan to use in the virtual machine of XP is the capability for tethered shooting. so I think all I will install is EOS Viewer Utility and EOS Capture. Any digital darkroom work I plan to do will be in Windows 10 and will either use Adobe PE or Canon DPP.
