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File names using EOS utility


I have just bought an EOS 7D mark ii, shooting in RAW format, using the EOS utility to transfer files via WiFi to my computer.  I have set the file name for the EOS utility to use to be yyyy_mm_###.CR2 so it downloads the files shot this month and names them 2017_09_###.CR2 with ### incrementing automatically from 001 up to 999.


There is one big problem - the files are numbered in reverse each day so the most recent is numbered 001 and the oldest gets the last number.  This is useless - I want the photos each month numbered in the order they were taken so the first photo each month is 001 and any I take tomorrow get added on after the last number for today.  How can I get it to do that ?



I solved this after finding out that the images are numbered correctly if I set it to auto download pictures that have not been downloaded before.  That led me to change the viewing order (you have a choice of ascending or decending) and I found that the download order when selecting images manually was linked to the viewing order.

No matter how you slice it when you're importing the pictures, it's dead easy in DPP to sort and renumber them as desired. For example, I have my cameras (5D3, 7D, 7D) and my wife's camera (7D2) set to assign different names to their image files. When I import the files. I have the option of separating them by camera of origin. Then when I want to combine them together in chronological order, I sort by shooting date/time and renumber. Of course all the cameras have to have their times synchronized with a computer before the shoot, which is easy enough to do with EOS Utility.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA