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EOS utility does NOTHING


I have a Canon t3i that I'm trying to get photos off.  Used to be easy with EOS utility.  Used to be able to just simply download photos, all nicely arranged in dated folders.  Now?  Run all over the internet looking for the necessary software (because, gosh, can't find it on the CANON website), install it all, start up EOS utility, and it does...NOTHING.  So at what point did Canon decide to just blow off T3i owners and not support this useful utility any more, and what did they replace it with that has equal functionality?  Expecting the answer "nothing".  




"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Amazingly, I managed to find that page, all by myself.  Those downloads are completely useless and do nothing.  

Have you tried a new cable?


What computer OS are you using?


Also, if the version you launched includes an application named simply "EOS Utility" (no other letters or numbers) then that's really the EOS Utility launcher.  It's supposed to detect the camera and then either launch "EOS Utility 2" or "EOS Utility 3".  I've noticed that my "launcher" does do anything when I connect a camera (it's as though it can't see the camera).  But if manually launch "EOS Utility 2" or "EOS Utility 3" (bypassing the "launcher") then they work fine.


BTW, I generally never use the USB cable to transfer images.  It's usually faster to just insert the SD card into a card reader (and a lot of computers have a built-in SD card reader.)


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da


I'm having the same problem with EOS Utility 3.7.0 that I use with my 5D Mk3 and my T6. It was working fine until 11/10/17 when I did a mandatory windows update. Since then I can't get EOS Utility 3.7.0 to load in anyway. I even tried the version supplied with the camera to no avail. IMO it has something to do with that update. My update history shows Windows 10 version 1709.


I've been scouring the web looking for others having this problem and havn't found a solution, now I'm having to LiveView shoot to shoot tethered  then use Lightroom to see the image after it's shot. No fun, please offer a solution asap.

Unfortunately I am not an expert on Windows 10 -- I primarily use macs.


However... a few things you might check on.


1)  The cameras don't really use "drivers" anymore.  Is there a way you can go into Windows list of detected hardware devices connected via USB and see if the Windows operating system can even detect the device?


2)  Is there any photo software running on Windows?  Typically once any piece of software recognizes and grabs a connected hardware device, no other software will be able to access that device.  


In other words, I'm wondering if something else in Windows "sees" the camera and grabs it... making the camera unavailable to the EOS Utility.


Hopefully someone more familiar with Windows 10 may be offer you some specific steps to check.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

@hitman62 wrote:

I'm having the same problem with EOS Utility 3.7.0 that I use with my 5D Mk3 and my T6. It was working fine until 11/10/17 when I did a mandatory windows update. Since then I can't get EOS Utility 3.7.0 to load in anyway. I even tried the version supplied with the camera to no avail. IMO it has something to do with that update. My update history shows Windows 10 version 1709.


I've been scouring the web looking for others having this problem and havn't found a solution, now I'm having to LiveView shoot to shoot tethered  then use Lightroom to see the image after it's shot. No fun, please offer a solution asap.

I, too, had a massive Windows Update that seemed to adversely affect at least one application, but not EOSU.  My laptop needed to spend a couple of minutes downloading new drivers from somewhere and installing them.  I am using a Dell.


Check your startup options for when a camera is detected connected to the USB, too.  You may need to start the EOS Utility manually one time, in order to wake it up.  I have found this was needed on a couple of laptops since 2014.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Windows detects it fine, and I have no problem copying images.  I just miss the convenience of the EOS utility, which would download them into folders based on date.  

@lbb wrote:

Windows detects it fine, and I have no problem copying images.  I just miss the convenience of the EOS utility, which would download them into folders based on date.  

Have you tried starting the EOS Utility manually?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."