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EOS R5 Mark II images show wrong colour in Windows photo app


Hi, I cannot view images from my new R5mk2, with windows photo app, as the colour is totally wrong, is there an update to improve this? Or do I need another app?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello peterduran,

For every new camera that comes out, whether from us or from other camera manufacturers, companies like Apple and Adobe (for example) have to write new code to support the cameras files. That's why it can take a few weeks or longer for companies to provide updates if they choose to provide updates for their current software version. Canon would not be providing an update for the Windows Photo app. Microsoft would need to do that. Canon provides software called Digital Photo Professional that you can use. You can download the most current version of the Digital Photo Professional software from our website. Click HERE to access the webpage of your camera for the download. Once on the support page, click the Software & Drivers link. Scroll down and click Load more, to get to the DPP download.


Are these Jpegs or RAW?

What color space? sRGB or Adobe?

Note that Windows prefers JPEGS with sRGB.


Unfortunately this is a Windows Photos issue. I have seen similar with other cameras, most recently EOS R7. Microsoft decided that the Windows Photos app should automatically enhance RAW images when they are displayed in the app. The latest version of the Photos app does not allow this enhancement to be switched off, though it was possible in older versions. 

The best way to avoid it is to use another program to view the RAW images, Canon DPP is one such option that will always do a good job of displaying accurate colour from Canon RAW images.

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Raw CR3 images, but the raw CR3 images from my R5 open fine, just the ones from the R5mk2

Thank you.



I have the same problem in both Windows and Amazon Photos online wher the same purple tint is applied






If the images display correctly in Canon DPP software then the issue is that the Windows photos app and Amazon photos app do not know how to correctly process the RAW images.

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Almost all raw files from Canon need to be cropped. Almost all raw files from Canon need a black level offset. So your raw files look like they should. They are just unsupported in the software you use. My guess is that Microsoft and Amazon use LibRaw that still hasn't released a public snapshot for your camera.

The raw file below that looks normal is from EOS 1Ds. Black level 0, so no offset needed, and no black frame, so no need to crop anything.


