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I just upgraded 5DM3 to a 5DM4 ... but when I installed DPP 4 it seems unwilling to process jpeg.  IT shoots RAW and JPEG fine, and I get both in file at download.  I still have DDP 3 installed tho altho I seems unable to open RAW from 5DM4


Sometimes, I find it productive to work RAW in DPP into my own jpeg, and compare w/OOC joeg, or then process jpeg slightly again for certain projects.  Seems like now I must move the jpeg files to another program, either DPP3 or Photoshop.  IF this true, then DDP has much less value - and we may as well just download into PS ... 


Haven't looked yet to see if PSE12 even opens 5DM4 Raw images???  Will check that tonight...hope I don't have to upgrade PS as well.  😞 


Looks like DPP 4 only processes RAW ???  Is that accurate. 

IF so, does anyone have a theory why Canon would cease allowing at least minimal processing as it does in DPP 3 ???


It certainly easier to fast-forward jpeg to select and file keepers, than to open RAW every time you view a new shoot.  Maybe I'll have to figure out a new Keeper Viewing method after all these years.  Mostly surprised here ...




DPP4 has always been crashing when doing file save on my Win10 computer (I7, 16GB). New versions never make a difference. Impossible to use.

Me too, same PC, but just got this 5DM4 yesterday, and discovering the issues with files, opening, viewing, etc. when I loaded DPP4, and opened files. PITA for me, as I'm not very tech-smart, so muddle thru until I figure out a way to view keepers, save, then process what I want ... BLAH !!!


@monkey44 wrote:


Looks like DPP 4 only processes RAW ???  Is that accurate. 


DPP4 does process JPG files. The first tab in tools doesn't work because it only relates to RAW but go to the curves tab in the tools section and you will see brightness and contrast controls and curves which work with JPG.

Thanks - but not all controls work in jpeg, such as in the DPP3 program, right.  Will make that work somehow.

Bummer, because I shoot with a 5DM3 as backup now. So have two separate file types for any shoot ...

Will have to figure out a different keeper selection method, and processing, I guess. Which is already time-consuming ...

@monkey44 wrote:

Thanks - but not all controls work in jpeg, such as in the DPP3 program, right.  Will make that work somehow.

Bummer, because I shoot with a 5DM3 as backup now. So have two separate file types for any shoot ...

Will have to figure out a different keeper selection method, and processing, I guess. Which is already time-consuming ...

The controls available for JPEG files in DPP3 are available in DPP4.  Some controls cannot be applied to JPEGs

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Yes, I found it - with those hints from above. No problem now - thanks for advise guys ...

On my laptop DPP4 used to function OK. But now is stopped being of use. If you try to save a file, be it jpeg or CR2, is says "can not access file". Doing a "save as" with a new file name I get "file not found". With this I am at the end of using DPP4, I might have to switch to Sony camera's. Canon should withdraw this non working software.

I switched from version 4.9 to version 4.11.02, no difference. Batch conversion does function, but edited raw can not be saved.

Played around with it last night for awhile - seems to work fine now.  Was looking around and punching the wrong buttons until I figured it out ... it's a little different.


Laptop and PC is Win10 Pro ... i7 - 16GB and running on SSD ...   It processes both 5DM3 and 5DM4 RAW files, and will save the processed files as jpeg or RAW.   Not sure if Win10 Pro rather than Home / Student version makes a difference as both have the Pro version.  Anyone have both, can check it out?? 


Laptop:  I had to load it twice - first time, would not work properly, so delete and reload worked.  Will load it on my desktop today and see how it functions.


PSE15 will not open 5DM4 Raw files.  So, will look around for an upgrade or a patch.  Not sure if one exists - maybe on Canon site or Adobe site.  I don't want to "rent" a PS program forever, will find a patch or figure out a work-around.  Not very tech-smart and generally just play around until I figure out a work-flow method ... 
