Connecting EOS on mu mac


Hi there.


I have an EOS 1100 camera. I often take photos and videos, and transfer tem to my Mac Pro for editing.

But every time the canon software starts installing all kinds og software to my computer, and startup software.


My old camera showed up like a folder on my desktop. I would love that this camera did the same.

How do i get it to do like that?


All the best.




Accepted Solutions


1) Connect the camera to your Mac.  

2) If any software launches, just quit those programs.

3) Now launch Apple's "Image Capture" (it's in your Applications folder)


In the lower left corner you may see a tiny triangle (very tiny)... click it and it will expand.  You should notice some text that reads "Connecting this camera opens:" and you'll also be offered a selection-menu.  You can review the choices on that menu to set which software should auto-launch when the camera is connected.  


I personally set mine to "No Application" (nothing launches... I use too many different programs so the odds that it'll launch what I plan to use next is slim.)  


You'll also see the common Apple software choices that use cameras... such as Photos or iMovie.  If your computer has Aperture installed, then it will be on the list as well.  But you wont see 3rd party applications... but that's not a problem.


One of the choices is "Other..." and if you pick that it will give you a typical file-selection window and you can navigate to find the application of your choice.  For example, if you'd rather launch Photoshop... or Lightroom, you would pick "Other..." and navigate to the appropriate location and pick your application icon.


Good luck!


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

View solution in original post



1) Connect the camera to your Mac.  

2) If any software launches, just quit those programs.

3) Now launch Apple's "Image Capture" (it's in your Applications folder)


In the lower left corner you may see a tiny triangle (very tiny)... click it and it will expand.  You should notice some text that reads "Connecting this camera opens:" and you'll also be offered a selection-menu.  You can review the choices on that menu to set which software should auto-launch when the camera is connected.  


I personally set mine to "No Application" (nothing launches... I use too many different programs so the odds that it'll launch what I plan to use next is slim.)  


You'll also see the common Apple software choices that use cameras... such as Photos or iMovie.  If your computer has Aperture installed, then it will be on the list as well.  But you wont see 3rd party applications... but that's not a problem.


One of the choices is "Other..." and if you pick that it will give you a typical file-selection window and you can navigate to find the application of your choice.  For example, if you'd rather launch Photoshop... or Lightroom, you would pick "Other..." and navigate to the appropriate location and pick your application icon.


Good luck!


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da


It was quite helpful. Allthough i still can't see my camera as a folder in the finder.


All the best


Hi Matmorfus,

When in the Finder, go to the Applications folder and click Image Capture. Your camera should be listed in Image Capture.

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Hi Guys, I just got a brand new Canon SX530 HS "Wifi" camera but to my surprise, I tried using the wifi button but nothing will come up, I checked in the settings and I didn't see an option of the wifi settings for me to be able to connect to my iphone or any other device, also the mobile button on the camera too isn't effective. Please can anyone advise me on what to do or does it mean there are some of this SX530 HS cameras that doesn't come with the in-built wifi despite having the wifi logo written boldly on it?  Please kindly advise


Hi. I just bought a new Imac with Siera OS installed. I also installed my old Connecting EOS from my former imac on this computer. However the camera doesn't connect anymore via wifi to the imac. I also tried it with the usb cable, but nothing happened. Image capture is no longer standard in this new OS. I have the old one copied as well, but it doesn't recognize my camera. What to do now?


