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vixia hfr400 software image browser ex issues


I have the R400 camera and it works great . I use the image browser ex software and have  a question and a problem . My question is how do i rename a movie file in image browser ex . At the moment it  just has the date october 31 . I want to name it halloween  at the daycare . is there a way to do this in image browser ex . I am using an imac desktop computer .


My problem is with the edit movie function . I click on edit movie  and i can get the first frame in the story board . I cannot seem to drag and drop any other frame to the board . I tried to select all the frames and cannot do a bulk drop .

the only way to get the frames on the board is to select each one and do an edit movie again and again . this is so time consuming . Any helpwould be appreciated Thanks
