Vixia HF R52 Appears and then Disappears as soon as I plug it into any PC


I need to transfer my videos from my Vixia but every time I plug in my camera, the icon disappears and then it disappears a second later.

I tried different USB Cables (long and short).

I also tried plugging it into different pcs.

All to no avail!




Hi, bobbymak8008!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer (i.e. Windows or Mac OS, and which version thereof). That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE.

Thanks and have a great day!

I'm running Windows 7.

Hi there,


Based on what you describe, it sounds like the USB connection is not staying active. I reccomend making sure your camcorder is set to Playback mode before connecting the USB cable and then checking your Windows Device Manager to check that the USB connection stays connected or if Windows loses it there as well. If teh connection does not stay active in Device Manager then the computer may not be allowing the connection. If possible it would be recommended to check if the same happens with a Mac or Windows 10 computer.

How do I place my camcorder in playback mode?

The playback button is on the left side of your camcorder next to the SD card slot. You can find it on page 46 of the user manual (
