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I have a cannon vixia hfr50. How do I make my camera silent w/o beeps and chimes?


I use my camera for wildlife veiwing and the camera makes so many beeps, chimes and musical sounds that it scares the game away. Is there a way to put it in silent mode or something without hampering the recording quality?


Another odd thing it does is splits up my video into a bunch of small sections about 13 minutes long and calls them pictures. This is also very frustrating. I can't even video my childrens activities w/o a bunch of brakes in the movie.


Please help me figure these two things out. Thank you.




The clips will continue to be seperated out into multiple files and there isn't a setting in the camcorder to change this.  There is software provided with the camcorder made by Pixela that will help you manage the clips by importing them and bringing them together.  I recommend that you check this software out by installing it from the CD you may have received with your camcorder, or going to the Pixela website HERE.

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Was the issue I needed to find a solution to as well. Thank you every much.

Could you be a bit more specific?  Is the issue with separate files?  If yes, then try downloading the Pixela software mentioned in the post above yours.  There is no way to get the camcorder to save a continuous recording, over more than a few minutes long, in a single file.  Most video eding software will assemble the video for you once imported.
