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HFR800 for FB streaming


I just bought an HFR800 and want to stream live on FB, however, my computer doesn't recognize the device through the HDMI port nor the USB port.  Do i have to download some software in order for my computer to recognize the camcorder?



I have the same problem I'm pretty pissed the hdmi cord does not work, I purchased a video capture cfor hdmi to usb so I could use the usb port and the computer does not acknowledge the camera I'm pretty pissed I bought this camera with no warning in any of the reviews that you cannot download video to your pc with it. How can I fix this? 

Today i plan on going to buy a camlink.  Hopefully that works


The HDMI port on a computer is almost always an OUTPUT port. The easiest way to get HDMI into your computer is through a capture card, connected to USB. A good capture device will work automatically, and not require any user setting. Also, you will get the best video resolution into a USB 3 port.

ok...i think the cam link is a capture card.  *fingers crossed* that this works

@gagg--the capture card is for bringing video into your computer via USB.  It is NOT for transferring the stored video files (.mp4?) from the camera to your computer. 

So, i bought an "elgato cam link 4K" to transfer video from the camcorder to my PC.  It worked like i hoped.  Now i just need to figure out how to get a clear screen on the camcorder to transfer a clean screen to my computer without showing all of the settings

I am having the same issue with my HRC 800. I have tried it on multiple computers using a video capture device. All the computers have the correct drivers loaded and still not seeing the camera. I’m using pro presenter. Any suggestions?

@Trainiac77 What capture card are you using?

Digitnow full Hd1080