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DVD burning question


Burned a 45 min. DVD taken with my Canon HF400 and edited and burned with Corel Video Studio 6.  It was shot in MP4, at 35pfps and burned at 8000mbps.   I t looks fine on my computer but when I play it on my DVD player to watch on TV, there is an annoying problem.   Unless the camera and subject are motionless, lines in the frame, buildings, window frames, etc., look wavy.  Is there a setting I can use to fix this problem now, if I reburn the DVD, or, in future, should I schange the fps setting on the Canon to avoid this issue?  I'm not shoot prorts of fast motion subjects, just vacation stuff..Thanks.



Hello LeeA,

We suspect that, because it seems to play back OK on your computer, that this is an issue with the refresh rate on your television.  You may wish to check this within the software to match it up to your set.  Regrettably, DVD burning software or troubleshooting isn't something we support through Canon forums or technical support.

If you have an urgent technical support question regarding the camcorder, please feel free to get in touch with Canon through our Service and Support web site.

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