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EOS C80 vs EOS R6 as B-cam to go with EOS C400 A-cam


Hey folks I have question that I can not find an answer to anywhere else. I am an indie Documentary filmmaker. For the last five or so years, I have shot my last three documentaries on my R6 with very little trouble and quite happy with the results. I am about to embark on a much larger project with a much larger budget and the chance to upgrade my kit considerably. I have already committed to a full C400 package with DZO Cinezooms. I have it in my budget to also purchase the C80 as well to run as my B cam. However now that the firmware for the R6 has it shooting in both C -Log 2 & 3, should i save my money (which could go elsewhere) and use the R6 as my B-Cam with the good DZO glass? 

I want to have the best quality production, but also I don't want to spend money needlessly That extra $5500 could definitely get spent somewhere else,  more lighting, travel, etc, 

I have already decided on the C400 so please don't try to talk me out of that in favor of the C80. I have done my homework on both, and yes both would be nice, but is it necessary for my B-cam? Will the R6 match the C400 in color, shooting at 4K 23.9 (which is what i shoot at)?

Thanks in advance for any and all insight. 




I say rent one and do the comparison yourself.


It may have to come to that . 

