CANON HF-G70 Focus Hunts, nonstop, even in the best lit studio conditions.


I have been suffering, with focus hunting, since the Day I got the HF-G70. It ruins takes, constantly, and, if I don't watch a Monitor, religiously, I can miss it, and not find out till the shoot is over. I have to re-shoot, scenes, regularly, every time I work with the printer. It can be, on me, sitting at a desk, or, on a component. Both do the same thing. It goes in and out of focus, the whole time.

Here is a peak at it, using a printer part, to demonstrate.

A Secondary issue, is Auto White Balance, turning everything blue. Even with matching Godox lighting.My HF-G60, did the same thing. I sold it, and got the G-70. No change. There are many reports online, of this camera line, doing this. Is there any solution?



I even repainted my walls, from black, to a recommended grey, to help with the white balance. That didn't help.

Greetings Greggadventure,

I am sorry to hear that your Canon HF G70 camcorder is having these couple of issues. Please note that the camera's auto focusing function may not work well in certain situations like with reflective surfaces, subjects with low contrast or without vertical lines, fast moving subjects, when subjects are at different distances, through dirty or wet windows, and in night scenes.

Per the video that you have provided a link for, it may be to where there is not enough contrast in the scene or at least in the area where the camcorder is trying to focus on. You may try to use manual focus to lock in your focus on where you would like for it to remain sharp.

I would suggest to also check the lens to ensure that it is free from debris since debris on the lens may sometimes cause focus issues.

Regarding the white balance issue, it is odd that the camcorder is creating videos with a blue tint even after you have tested it with different backgrounds. We would suggest sending the camcorder to our repair facility if the camcorder is not functioning correctly.

Canon U.S.A., Inc. has created a new online repair portal that allows you to set up service in a few simple steps. The repair portal gives you the ability to set up service for multiple pieces of equipment at once, and to receive a repair estimate in the majority of cases, depending on your model and issue. The portal also allows you to upload images or videos that will assist us in repairing your product. You can also select how you wish to be notified of the progress of your repair. The portal's service history section allows you to view all services that have been performed on any of your camera or video products since January 7, 2020.

Please follow the link below to access our online repair portal to arrange for service:

Instructions for Accessing and Using the Online Repair Portal.

You will need to access or create your My Canon Account.

If you already have a My Canon Account and your product is already registered, simply click on the “Get Repair Services” link on the left menu and follow the onscreen instructions to arrange for service for your product.

If you have a My Canon Account and your product is not registered, you must register your product first. Click on the “Get Repair Services” link on the left menu, then click on the “Register Product” link on the right. After your product is registered, click on the “Get Repair Service” link on the left menu and follow the onscreen instructions to arrange for service for your product.

If you do not have a My Canon Account, you will need to create one. After you create your account, click on the “Add Product” link to register your first product. After your product is registered, click on the “Get Repair Service” link on the left menu and follow the onscreen instructions to arrange for service for your product.

Once you have completed the repair request, you will have an opportunity to print a copy of the request for your records. This request form will also contain shipping instructions and an address label that you will attach to the outside of your shipping box when mailing your equipment for repair.


I won't send the camera in for Repair, for the blue tint issue, as this is my second new camera in a row to do this (My previous HF-G60 also did this), and many online forums, have users bringing up this problem.

As for the Focus. I can upload dozens of other examples. It happens every shoot. I can be sitting in front of the camera, at a desk, and it will hunt. It hunts on all variety of subject. Slowly rolling from IN focus, to OUT of Focus. However, Unlike the blue tint issue, I can not find online conversations, that mention having this problem, with this model. Perhaps something is wrong with my focus, physically? The camera is in mint condition, having been on a tripod, in a clean room, since the day it was opened. 

The amount of content, being ruined by Focus Hunting, is hurting my channel I am losing footage, every day. What do I do?


Hi Gregg, 

For the WB issue, I Aways reset  the WB in the Setting / Venue I'm working.  I use a "White"or a Gray Photo Card.  A crumpled up and re-Spread out White "Copy" Paper Sheet, works nicely too. I simply don't use Auto WB, ever.  Be sure to Fill your Monitor Screen with whatever you're WB'ing on.

As to the Curse of Auto Focus, I seldom ever use Auto Focus for anything.  In my experience the Best Option is to Set the Focus Manually.  For my Roller Derby Videography ( lots of fast moving Skaters ), I Manually Focus on the most distance object Down the Floor that I want to be Clear - by fully Zooming out to it, then Setting & Locking the Focus.  That keeps most everything in between in good Focus - unless I try to Zoom in too close to the Skaters that are very close to my Camera position.   When desired, I can use my HandHeld Wired Remote to Re-focus as necessary.

In all the years I've been doing Video (45+) I've just not found Auto Focus to be of much use - except maybe when following a single subject around with no other objects in between or close by -  Like a single Horse and Rider in a Dressage Ring, or a single Skater on a Skate Floor.  But be sure to keep the subject filling most of your Monitor Screen.  To many subjects or objects tend to mess with Auto Focus Units for most Cameras.

I have an HFG 40, HFG 50, an HFG 70, and a Sony AX53.  None of their  Auto Focus Systems work very well for my use.


Hey SkaterVideoGuy!! I've actually Shot Roller Derby!! It was CRAAAAAZY!! Lol. I did Still photography for the night. 

Thanks for your wise, and thoughtful input, based on real-world experience. I'm super well versed in Manual, for photography, but not as much for videography. But, I think your advice is probably correct, and I should get down to business, working in Manual. I Sold my 50 cause it turned even the simplest home video blue.... I not have the 70, which does the same thing. oops. Lol. I will start working more in Manual, so *I* am in control, rather than at the mercy of the camera. I just have to be sure I'm diligent, and don't screw it up. It's tough, cause I'm on BOTH sides of the camera, for my shooting....

Question: When on Auto, my Camera doesn't detect my face AT ALL. The Box just sit's whereever it wants, or wherever I touch on the screen. I noticed, in manual mode, when on Autofocus, it DOES put the box over my face, and follow me. What a difference that makes. Is there a way to change the focus in AUTO, to follow my face? The face icon shows on the screen, but I can't interact with it. I just noticed, on the bottom, it says OFF. If I tap the screen, "OFF" goes away. Then, it looks like it follows my face. It's never followed my face in auto before. Is that because I always start shooting, by touching where I Want it to focus, and it turns off face tracking??? I always touch, because I am so used to it being out of focus. Perhaps I need to go about this wrong. Also, would you be willing to tell me how you would set the camera, *IF* you were to use auto? Like: Focus Speed, mode, etc?


Hi Gregg,

1) Which Camera are you normally using ?

2) Cam Settings can / will / may be quite Different - depending on what you're doing.  So what do you normally Shoot ? What environment are you in ?

Currently, I'm Shooting mostly in a Skating Rink or The KCKs Memorial Hall (a 3,000 Seat Arena)

3) Have you gone thru all your Cam Settings to know what each one does, and then set them up for how you normally Shoot your Videos ?  There is a Slew of them to Set.

4)  What Settings do you normally use for what you regularly Video ? 

As to suggestions,  I can be more specific if I can understand what you're Video'ing and in what Venue.


Hey Skater!

Canon HF-G70 (this is the only camera I have this problem with)

2 GODOX UL-60 on Lanterns

Me at a desk, with 3D printers. All  Videos from the past several months, were shot on this camera: See here:
