User Activity

Finally got Print Studio Pro up and running. Color from prints using PSP match my monitor! Yay! Now I am seeing what looks like an abrasion in one corner of the print. If I go into my printer's settings I see a setting to reduce abrasion. Do I also n...
Using a 6d Mark II. Turned off the camera, got "Recording" message that would never stop. Access lamp never turned off. Do I have a problem with my SC card?
I'm using a 6dii. When I shoot in movie mode and smooth with AI disabled shouldn't I able to use the touch autofocus on the LCD screen? Is there another setting to enable this?
I'm looking for a radio transmitter for my 430exiiiRT flashes and my Canon 6d II. What do you think about using pocket wizards v. the Canon ST-E3-RT Speedlite transmitter? If I get the Canon transmitter I can control all of my 430exiiiRT flashes righ...
Can the 430 EX III RT be set up as a master for optical transmission to another 430 EX III RT as a slave?  Or will it only work as a master with radio transmission?