Perhaps my initial statement apperaed to suggest a general flaw in the program, but that was not my intention. My software is all the current versions, both PSP and LRCC. I mentioned tn my first post (ever) that the orientation selection works if I d...
Well John, I was not intending to describe a probem everybody else was having, but looking for some helpful insights on how the problem I am having might be addressed. Nor is it clear how one might configure one's computer or printer in such a way as...
The page reorientation selction for Print Studio Pro in Lightroom does not work. On clicking the [A] symbol the two options flick on for a split second and disappear again, so I cannot reorient the page from landscape to portrait. Sometimes it works ...
I have a regular problem with Print Studio Pro in selecting the page orientation symbol [A]. Clicking it just brings up the two orientations for a flash second and then disappears so I can't change from landscape to portrait.