How do you turn bulb setting on and off in the manual mode on Canon 6D? It keeps showing up and I'm not sure what I pressed to make it happen and I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn it off.
Unfortunately this is not the problem either. It appears that the mode dial is by communicating correctly with the camera. Instead of being able to switch to any of the modes I can only switch to B, P, C1p and C2p. Canon suggests sending it in for wa...
Thank you for this information, unfortunately I have tried that multiple times and it doesn't seem to fix the problem. I am still unae to select certain modes on the camera by turning the mode dial.
Yes, when I set it to manual the LCD screen reads bulb, when the mode dial is set to scn the LCD reads c2p, ca is p, av is c1p, etc. unfortunately I don't think I can reset it all because I can't find access to the button battery (the one that powers...
When I change the modes on the mode dial it skips over m and reads b (bulb mode). When I twist it to Av it shows up as C1p. It seems that it will only switch into p, b, c1p and c2p modes regardless of what is selected on the mode dial.