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 I had to share this one with you. There is a park near where I live in Ohio and every year these birds breed there. I use my 75-300mm with a vivitar 2X to make a good 600mm shot. I had taken the shot and sharpend it a little in Corel After Shot Pro....
I've had this lens for many years and tried everything from diffrent bodies (eos Rebel and t5) and still all of my shots (Near or Far) are not clear. I have to photoshop everyone of them to get them clear. Is it the lens or something else?
OKAY ! .. Here is what I am trying to do. I have a couple of Canon FD teleconverters and I want to use them with my Canon EOS lenses. I have the adapter ring that mounts the Canon FD lens to my Canon EOS XS. BUT ! I want to mount the an EOS Lens in f...
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