Hi Sue, does your reset trick still work? Or did the same probem return?I tried the reset a few times before (both in Camara and Display mode) but to no avail. Cheers
Hi sedphx where did you get this info from?I had Blink Detection disabled on my S100 when the problems appeared.I set to to ON and tried it, then back to OFF and tried it. But problem persists in both modesThanks for you input though
Yeah, I was completely happy with the S100 too. Until it stopped working completely and found this forum that made me realise it is a common problem that any time soon can happen to anyone, including you.
same here. Shutter button NOT WORKING ANYMORE. Canon, come on, this is an ISSUE! and as the previous users said: Definitely a reason NOT to buy a new Canon Again.I used the S100 happily for 1.5 years and all of a sudden this annoying issue. I use the...