What does support code C000 mean on my MX922? Why is a month old printer getting this type of code and won't print anything?Nichfinder [Mod note: removed email to protect your privacy]
Why does MX922 print out a document in this order: i.e.,1,3,2,5,4,7,6,9,8,11,10,13,12,15,14,17,16,18? Mod Note: Removed email address per forum guidelines.
I'm not sure I understand your position!? I tell you Windows 8, and you ask me what version of Windows I'm using...hmm. Then I tell you I'm hooked up via wireless and you ask me if I'm hooked up USB or wireless...hmmm again. Do you actually know a s...
Jason -Thanks for the reply. I'm running Windows 8, and hooked wireless to the MX922. Why suddenly does thisdecide to go rogue after a year of the same hookup...!?TH
Your comment is at best confusing..."the other software," does tell me much. I'm using windows 8 and office 2003. I didn't have the problem with the MX870. Today for example I printed a 11-page document - last page out first, so reverse the order a...