Office365 has made it difficult. Yes select TLS for SMTP. The other two you shouldn't need (verify cert and add CN to Verification items).The rest your settings are correct. A note with app passwords, they are single use specific for a device. This c...
Under the device manager, have you tried right clicking on the device and uninstalling it all together then unplugging?If you do this, I highly recommend deleting the printer and running the Canon installer again as well to kind of give things a clea...
Or for the average user, just use Disk Managment by right clicking on the windows icon and selecting from the menu. Select the drive, right click and go from there.Typically, USB thumb drives always go MBR not GPT. I have only seen a small few.To sim...
We're not talking about a pro 100 though, this is about a pro 1000. The Pro 1000 does have a media manager which allows you to import those profiles into the printer itself.