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I haven’t had the C80 for very long, but I am trying to learn as much as I can to be prepared to use it on jobs in the near future. One way that I learn is to soak up info and then spit it out in my own words. Therefore, I created a video sharing wha...
I'm new to Canon but I am trying to master the C80.  I like to use False color and zebra to help with exposure.  What value should I set my high zebra setting to prevent clipping?  Would you set it to 100 and then when you see 100 zebras in your shot...
Thanks for letting me join. I was wonderring about two things about the C80: 1. Can this camera record 60 and 120 fps in 4k? And will a v90 card that’s 300 mbs be able to handle those frame rates? I don’t see faster cards. 2. With the 24-105 rf 2.8 z...
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