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I've been trying to get the Webcam Utility to work with my R5ii.   It works with some reliability with my RP tethered to the Macbook.   The R5ii won't work at all.   While the USB cable turns the camera back screen to the picture of the laptop nothin...
I've tried nine ways to sunday to get this thing to work with the webcam or other utility.   Putting a USB cord  in causes the camera to show a laptop and battery icon, but nothing happens on the computer end (unlike with my RP).If I go through the m...
Five months and ten days from the time I ordered it, the FedEx man shows up with a big box from Canon.   Amusingly, I knew it was coming primarily because they sent me the CarePak activiation before I got the shipping notice.Fired it up on the RP and...
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