I use a Canon R7 for sports (take a lot of pictures only in Electronic mode) and it s my second Canon R7 that starts to fail to take pictures. Not sure if its a Button failing thing bcause it focus correctly. But sometimes when i press all the button...
Hello everyone, after I made the update to firmware 1.3.1 my R7 lets me down a lot now. Before with 1.2 was all flawless but now every marathon i work my camera freezes like 5-10 times in a morning... and I have to remove the battery. It says: "savin...
After updated the firmware of my R7 to version 1.3.1 now I have a lot of buffering problems that wasnt happening before. Same settings as before now i get contant freezes and loose a lot of runners passing by me when working. This simply didnt hapene...
Hello, I m photographing a cicling race tomorrow and would like to have an opnion on what tracking should I use for that. People or Vehicules? With or without Eye/Spot detection? Its a fast triatlhon race very near to the start they will be fast and ...
Yes I heard about this community, i will join and post my experience there so everyone can know about this... It s not a cheap camera, and It was Supposed to substitue the old 7d Mk2 that was indeed a war tank....
Its funny how Canon put some "users" in this forum for defending their equipment. Its EVERYWHERE on internet Canon R7 with problems in shutters in less then 1 year of use...
t only the Mechanical, i use only Electronic Shutter and had 2 Canon R7 failing to take pictures in eletronic mode, and 2 friends of mine with the same problem. Canon doesnt want you to know about this....
I turned off the Focus Ring setting I was using (for ISO adjust) and toke this sunday 44000 pictures in a marathon with no issues at all. Maybe was luck i dont know, now its flawless again, until it isnt I let every wi fi , bluetooth, lens correctio...